Yes, this is no mistake, the World Championships in Multia on the ICE is really held the 25th. time! The fact that this event has been going strong for such a long time tells us simply how great a sport the kicksledding is! Well, not to forget those hard working “Multiants” that make all this fun possible. Thank you so much for the organizers! (Sisko Heinämäki, Jouko Laine, Pirkko Nejlik, Mr Pienimäki and many others!)
As a well known modest person I have to say that I have not only participated every year, but also taken at least one medal in the open class so far. The first 11 years until 1998 only golden ones. To be honest with you, winning is not that important to me anymore, but surprisingly I am still ready to do all it takes to avoid losing.
This year I have challenged some local legendary kicksledders that took part in the first races in the local paper “Suur – Keuruu” – in a paid add and in an interview to race with me on the Marathon. I really hope that those old boys will turn up! (Ahti Halonen, Jussi Ruokonen, Antti Lehtinen, Paavo Niiles)
As you should know I am getting not only fat but also really old. Those are only excuses for losing, but once again I have been pretty unlucky too. In the Balck 100km race, where I surprised the kickledding experts one again(!) skin peeled off my toe – well as an ex expert in medicin I totally ingored it, we just danced all night after the race. Now it is badly infected and I am on antibiotics. Walking is difficult. So let´s hope for another miracle to keep the medal straight going on..
This time I plan to dress in the same racing outfit I was using in the very first races. Luckily the material stretches quite a bit. I have grown my muscles worth some 15kg during these years.. Come and see the show!
Well, all this about racing and medals is actually bull. The most important thing is to enjoy the sport of kicksledding, have a great and tough exercise and then after all that bath in a sauna with friends all night long!
Welcome to join our party at the “round island cottage” after the marathon!
take a look: